Person walking into TikTok free area, man standing in front of mobile phone illustration with TikTok logo on the screen, another man with smartphone and a padlock
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How to Get Unbanned From TikTok: A Quick Overview

TikTok imposes temporary or permanent bans on users who violate its rules. Here’s how to get unbanned from TikTok.

If you’ve been hit with a temporary ban, check if you can appeal the ban or wait it out. For a shadow ban, delete any content that violates TikTok’s Community Guidelines and avoid spammy behavior.

If you’ve been permanently banned from TikTok, try these options:

  • Create a new account and build your followers from scratch.
  • Change your IP address to bypass a TikTok IP ban. There are different ways to do this. Using a VPN is the best option.
  • Refresh your device ID to get around a device ban.

In most cases, an IP ban will accompany a device ban. We recommend using a solid VPN like NordVPN to change your IP address and unblock TikTok. We’ve used NordVPN to successfully change our IP address and bypass restrictions on various websites and apps.

Read on for more information and step-by-step instructions on how to get your TikTok account unbanned.

Your TikTok account can be banned if you violate the app’s Community Guidelines. TikTok uses “automated and human evaluation to detect and take action” against accounts that violate its rules. It’s easy to fall foul of TikTok’s policies. A growing number of people find themselves trying to get unbanned on TikTok.

Fortunately, there are ways to access the app again — even if you’ve gotten your TikTok account permanently banned. Continue reading to learn how to appeal a TikTok ban and other ways to get unbanned.

Can You Get Unbanned From TikTok?

Yes, there are different ways to get unbanned on TikTok. Depending on the type of ban you’re facing, you could appeal the ban, change your IP address with a VPN (virtual private network), or wait out the ban.

Reputable VPN shield icon

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of TikTok bans.

Types of TikTok bans

TikTok bans generally depend on the severity of your violation.

  • A TikTok shadow ban doesn’t prevent you from logging in but limits your engagement with others.
  • A temporary ban eventually expires, and your access is restored.
  • A permanent ban locks you out of your account indefinitely.
  • An IP address ban prevents anyone on your network from using TikTok.
  • A device ban is the most severe type of ban. It prevents you from using TikTok on your device.

How to lift a shadow ban on TikTok

While TikTok’s official website doesn’t say anything about shadowbans, many users swear they have been shadowbanned on TikTok.

It’s the same story for most users. You might notice that your videos are stuck in review, your followers aren’t seeing your new posts, or you’re getting less engagement. If any of this is true, you may be shadowbanned.

We recommend trying the following to get a TikTok shadow ban lifted:

  1. Remove any videos that violate TikTok’s Community Guidelines.
  2. Avoid posting too frequently. TikTok’s algorithm flags this as spammy behavior.
  3. Delete comments that could be considered offensive.

TikTok’s shadowban is lifted automatically after some time (two to three weeks), and all of that engagement you’re used to seeing should return to normal.

But if you have a permanently banned account, or you don’t want to wait for a temporary TikTok ban to expire, you can appeal the TikTok ban. While it’s not guaranteed to work, this may get your ban lifted.

How to Appeal a TikTok Ban

When TikTok issues a temporary or permanent ban, users will receive a notification explaining why they’ve been banned. In some cases, TikTok will outline specific actions users can take for the ban to be lifted (for example, deleting a video flagged as offensive).

If you’ve been banned on TikTok, and believe you haven’t violated the app’s Community Guidelines, you can appeal the ban.

Follow the steps below to submit a TikTok ban appeal:

  1. ClickAppeal” on the banner notification that tells you you’ve been banned.
  2. On the next page, you’ll need to explain why you feel you’ve been banned incorrectly.
  3. Complete the rest of the form and provide your account details.
  4. Click submit to send your appeal.

You should receive a response to your TikTok appeal within 24 to 48 hours. If TikTok doesn’t rescind the ban, try one of the options below.

3 Ways to Get Unbanned From TikTok

For major infractions, the chances of your TikTok appeal succeeding are very low. Worse still, TikTok can ban your device, and the only way around this is to get a new device ID or wait for six months. If TikTok bans your IP address, you can’t even create a new account.

If your appeal fails, here’s how to regain access to TikTok.

Infographic showing three ways to get unbanned from TikTok app

1. Create a new TikTok account

Your TikTok account is linked to an email address or phone number. Sometimes, a TikTok ban only blacklists that email or number. This means all you need to create a new TikTok account is a different email address or phone number. You’ll also need to use a new username.

We recommend using Proton Mail to generate an alias email address for TikTok. The advantage is that if your TikTok account is banned again, you can generate another alias address rather than changing your email. All emails to your alias address are re-routed to your main Proton Mail inbox.

Proton Mail is a secure email service that protects your data with end-to-end encryption. Free users of Proton Mail can generate an unlimited number of aliases. You can upgrade your account to premium for additional features.

If you can’t create a new account, or your new account is quickly banned, your IP address or device ID might be banned.

2. Change your IP address

Your IP address is an electronic network identifier linked to your network. Sometimes, when TikTok bans users, it also blocks their IP address from accessing its services. So, when you try to open TikTok, it wouldn’t work. There are a few ways to get a new IP address.

Note: Changing your IP address won’t recover a permanently banned TikTok account. But it will let you create a new account if your IP address has been banned. Just don’t log into your new account without using your VPN.

Use a VPN

Using a VPN (virtual private network) is arguably the easiest way to change your IP address and unblock TikTok.

When you connect to a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through a VPN server, and you get a new IP address. The websites or apps you use will see the VPN server’s IP address instead of your own.

See if you’re connected to a dynamic IP

If your internet service provider uses dynamic IP addresses, simply rebooting your router — or temporarily disconnecting the power — forces the network to start up again and reassign you a different IP address.


It can take up to a day or so for your dynamic IP address to change after restarting your router.

Alternatively, you might have to go to your router’s menu and erase your old settings. Most routers let you access your menu by inputting into your search bar.

Use your phone’s hotspot to log in on a computer

Your phone’s hotspot has a different IP to your home network. So, you can connect to your phone’s hotspot to change your IP address and bypass a TikTok IP ban.

Setting up a hotspot on your iPhone is easy:

  1. Go to “Settings” on your iPhone and tap “Personal Hotspot.”
  2. Toggle the switch next to “Allow Others to Join.”
  3. Look for the network on your computer and connect to it.

The process looks slightly different on Android phones:

  1. Open “Settings,” then select “Mobile Hotspot & Tethering.”
  2. Tap on “Mobile Hotspot.”
  3. Create a network name and password for the network to keep it secure.
  4. Search for the hotspot network on your computer, enter your password, and connect.

TikTok consumes a lot of data.

So, you’re likely to burn through data fast. When using the app or website on your hotspot, videos might load slowly if your connection isn’t strong.

3. Reset your device ID

A device ID ban prevents you from creating a new TikTok account on your phone. You may have to wait for six months before you can open a new account. However, you don’t have to wait so long. There are ways to change your device ID.

Back up your device before proceeding.

We recommend making a copy of anything you don’t want to lose, such as pictures, videos, and files.

Reset your iOS device ID

You can get a new iOS device ID with just a few steps.

  1. Open your “Settings.”
  2. Tap on “General.”
  3. Scroll down and tap “Transfer or Reset iPhone.”
  4. Choose “Reset” and then “Reset all Contents and Settings.”

You may also need to clear your iCloud data. You can do this in your Settings by going to Apple ID > iCloud > Manage Storage.

Reset your Android device ID

Changing your device ID on Android is as simple as restoring your default factory settings. Once you’ve backed up your device, follow the steps below:

  1. Open “Settings” and then “General Management.”
  2. Tap on “Reset,” then “Factory Data Reset.”
  3. Finally, select the option to “Erase All Data.”

While you’ll have to set your phone up again, you should now be able to create a new account and continue using TikTok!

Get Unbanned from TikTok With NordVPN

Screenshot of NordVPN website homepage with added logo in the corner

NordVPN checks all of the boxes we’ve outlined above. It’s one of the fastest VPNs we’ve tested. It also offers unlimited data and dynamic IP addresses, allowing you to evade IP bans.

NordVPN has over 5,500 VPN servers in about 60 countries. So, there are several options to pick from when looking to escape a TikTok ban.

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Choosing the Best TikTok VPN

You must choose the right VPN to unblock TikTok and continue to scroll through videos. Some VPNs have slow speeds and data limits that will prevent you from browsing TikTok. Also, some VPNs have a limited server network and can’t unblock TikTok if you’re in a country where it’s banned.

Here are some things we considered when selecting the TikTok VPN:

Infographic showing some of the factors when choosing best VPN
  1. Connection speed: Using a VPN affects your internet speed to an extent. While the best VPNs won’t noticeably slow down your connection speeds, poor-quality VPNs and some free services can have a noticeable impact. This is particularly true when using apps like TikTok that consume a lot of data.
  2. Data usage: Free VPNs usually come with data caps and bandwidth limits. Since viewing videos on TikTok requires a lot of data, you’re likely to hit your limit quickly.
  3. Server choice: As TikTok becomes harder to access across the world, you’ll need a broad range of servers to choose from. Premium VPNs like NordVPN have servers spread across the globe, helping you to avoid the bans sweeping the globe.

Why Does TikTok Ban Users?

In most cases, TikTok bans users due to a breach of its Community Guidelines. But let’s look at other reasons you might get banned from TikTok.

Infographic showing why does TikTok ban users

Reason 1: You’re shadow banned for a minor violation

Are fewer people interacting with your videos than usual? You may be facing a TikTok shadow ban. This is a temporary ban, and you aren’t notified when it happens.

When you’re shadowbanned, any new content you post won’t appear on the For You feed of other users. Shadow bans can last for up to two weeks.

TikTok’s algorithm automatically scans the platform for videos that break its rules or could be harmful and restricts their reach. If you think you’ve been hit with an unjust shadow ban, submit an appeal to TikTok.

Reason 2: Your content violates TikTok’s rules

If you stay on the right side of the rules, you’re less likely to be banned from TikTok. In most cases, TikTok will ban “accounts that consistently violate Community Guidelines.”

Screenshot of TikTok, Community Guidelines

Specifically, this means that your account could get blocked if you’ve posted content that:

  1. Encourages or promotes violence
  2. Is sexually explicit
  3. Shows or encourages self-harm
  4. Contains violence, gory, or other graphic content
  5. Encourages other users to break the law
  6. Attempts to defraud other TikTok users
  7. Contains threats against other users

All these violations can lead to your TikTok account being shut down, temporarily or permanently.

Reason 3: You’ve received multiple strikes

In some cases, you might receive a strike for a minor violation rather than a ban. A strike lasts for 90 days. When you receive multiple strikes, your account could be banned completely. Unfortunately, TikTok’s Help Center doesn’t say how many strikes you get before being banned.

Reason 4: Your content has caught the wrong attention

Users can report content manually when they think it violates TikTok’s rules. Unfortunately, people can abuse this by reporting the content of competing influencers or people they don’t like.

If you think this has happened to you, and you’re certain that you haven’t broken any guidelines, it’s worth submitting an appeal, and a TikTok customer support staff will review your case.

Reason 5: TikTok thinks you’re underage

You must be 13 years old in most countries (or 14 in South Korea) to use TikTok. If TikTok thinks that you’re underage, your account might be banned. The platform will delete your data in 113 days unless you appeal the ban.

Of course, if you’ve fibbed about your age when registering for an account, this will mostly be guesswork. Users tend to get banned for being underage when other users report them as such.

Reason 6: TikTok is banned in your country entirely

Many countries have placed restrictions on TikTok or banned the app altogether. India, for example, has banned TikTok nationwide. And the Biden administration is currently deciding whether to ban TikTok in the U.S.

In some cases, this is due to concerns about content shared on the platform. In other cases, the reasons appear to be political. Some users have reported getting banned after logging in from a banned country.

Fortunately, you can bypass TikTok bans by using a VPN to change your IP address.

Is TikTok Safe?

Question mark over padlock icon

The safety of TikTok is a highly debated topic. Multiple countries have banned or restricted the app due to safety concerns. While it continues to be immensely popular, questions linger about whether TikTok is safe — primarily due to its invasive data collection. TikTok has been labeled as an espionage tool for the Chinese government.

Tips to stay safe on TikTok

We took a deep dive into TikTok and identified ways to use the app safely.

Unlike Facebook, which has private pages, by default, TikTok shows your content to anyone who wants to see it. If your video goes viral, it could be seen by millions of people worldwide.

Follow our tips to stay safe and keep your data private on TikTok:

Infographic showing tips to stay safe on TikTok
  • Don’t give away your identity in any way that can lead back to you. Avoid using your real name in your username. Also, avoid posting content that shows the exterior of your house or other recognizable features.
  • Don’t risk your job by revealing your employer. People have lost their jobs after posting controversial content at work or wearing their work uniform in TikTok videos.
  • Don’t leave the platform by clicking on suspicious links or accepting invitations. Clicking dodgy links could infect your device with malware.
  • Think twice before participating in trends that could be dangerous. People have injured themselves and lost their lives while attempting to participate in TikTok trends.

Remember, everything you post online is available for the world to see. Something might seem like a good idea now, but a future employer could discover it years later!

Read our guide to the privacy risks of TikTok for more information about how to use TikTok safely.

Conclusion: How to Get Unbanned on TikTok

VPN shield icon with thumbs up around it, representing advantages of a VPN

Stay on the right side of TikTok’s Community Guidelines, and your account won’t be banned. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen, and some users have been banned seemingly without breaking any rules.

Here’s a summary of the different types of bans and how to get unbanned from TikTok:

Underage TikTok banTikTok shadow banTemporary TikTok banPermanent TikTok banTikTok IP banTikTok device ban
Typical durationPermanentUp to two weeks24 to 48 hoursPermanentPermanentPermanent
What to expectNotification upon logging in, advising that your data will be deleted after 113 daysReduction in views, comments, and other activityNotification upon logging in, explaining that your account is temporarily suspendedNotification upon logging in, saying your account has been bannedA ban on any new accounts created on the same internet networkAny account you create or log into from that device is banned
What to doConsider waiting until you’re older. Some users lie about their age, but we don’t recommend it, as you could be banned againSubmit an appeal or wait for the ban to be liftedSubmit an appeal or wait until the ban expiresSubmit an appeal or create a new account using a VPNUse a different network, or use a VPN to create a new accountUse a desktop device and a VPN to access TikTok, wait six months, or buy a new phone

The easiest way to get unbanned from TikTok is to submit an appeal, but this doesn’t always work. If you don’t get your account back, you’ll lose all the data associated with your account including your videos, comment history, and followers. Consider using a VPN if your appeal doesn’t work.

We have guides to get your account unbanned on other social media platforms, like:

How to Get Unbanned from TikTok: Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQ section below for answers to common questions about how to get unbanned from TikTok.

Can you get your TikTok account unbanned?

You can get your TikTok account unbanned by submitting an appeal. Your appeal is likely to be successful if your account was banned unfairly. If your appeal fails, you’ll have to create a new one.

Things are more complicated if TikTok bans your IP address or device ID. Check out our guide to getting unbanned from TikTok for information on how to bypass different types of TikTok bans.

How long is a ban on TikTok?

If you’re shadowbanned, your content will have limited visibility. Shadow bans typically last up to two weeks, but you’ll still have access to TikTok. Temporary bans lock you out, and they usually last 24 to 48 hours. With temporary or permanent bans, you’ll know you’ve been banned because you’ll see a notification when you log in.

Does TikTok permanently ban you?

TikTok can and will permanently ban accounts that repeatedly violate its Community Guidelines. Serious one-time offenses can also result in a permanent ban. TikTok may also block your device ID and IP address when you’re permanently banned from the platform. In this situation, your best bet is to use a VPN and change your device ID to regain access to TikTok.

How long does a ban appeal take on TikTok?

TikTok usually gets back to users within 24 to 48 hours when an appeal is submitted. This time frame can vary depending on the number of bans they’re dealing with and the complexity of the issue. Still, it’s worth following through with an appeal. Some accounts can be banned unfairly as a result of automatic content moderation or fake reports by other users.

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    Hello dear TikTok team My account banned without reason please unban my account

    • Priscilla Sherman

      Hello! We aren’t affiliated with TikTok, so we can't unban your account for you. But you can file an appeal by yourself by clicking “Appeal” on the banner notification on TikTok that tells you you’ve been banned. Fill out the form explaining why you shouldn't be banned, and you should receive a response within two days. Good luck!

  2. Valery N

    Please unban my TikTok account

    • Priscilla Sherman

      Hi Valery! We aren't affiliated with TikTok, so we cannot unban your account for you. You can file an appeal yourself, however. Just click "Appeal" on the banner notification on TikTok that tells you you've been banned and fill in the form. You should receive a response within two days. Good luck!

  3. @luqmanyahya217

    My TikTok account unband please 🙏 help me

    • Priscilla Sherman

      Hi! The easiest way to unban your account is to appeal your ban with TikTok. Simply click on "Appeal" in the banner that you see when you're logging into your account and fill out the form. If that doesn't work, you can create a new account. For that, you might need a new device ID and IP address. You can find everything you need in our article!

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