Broken padlock, account illustration, phone, Instagram logo
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How to Get Unbanned From Instagram: A Quick Guide

If you have been banned from Instagram don’t worry. There are things you can do to overcome the ban and get back to sharing your favorite content with friends and family.

There are three ways to get unbanned from Instagram:

  1. If your account is not locked, go to “Report a Problem” in Instagram’s settings and explain why you think you should be unbanned.
  2. If you account is locked, visit Instagram’s Help page and fill out the form titled “My Instagram Account Was Deactivated.”
  3. If Instagram has banned your IP address, you can use a VPN to get a new IP (in this case, you may also have to create a new account, so the overall process may be too time-consuming).

However, if you do decide to use a VPN to get a different IP, we recommend NordVPN for this as it gives you access to thousands of IP addresses that you can choose from.

Continue reading the article below for more tips and strategies on how to get unbanned from Instagram.

Instagram is a popular social media platform that has millions of followers around the world. It provides a means for users to share their videos and photos online and use filters and other tools to enhance the aesthetics of their content.

However, there are occasions when a user may get banned from their Instagram account. But there are ways to regain access to your account and get back to connecting with your friends, family, clients, and followers.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to get unbanned from Instagram. You’ll also learn the reasons behind Instagram bans and how to navigate the appeal process.

Can You Get Unbanned From Instagram?

Broken padlock and ban icon

Yes, you can get unbanned from Instagram. There are multiple avenues you can take to appeal your ban. For instance:

  • If you still have access to your account, you can go to “Report a Problem” in “Settings” and fill out a form to explain why you think your account should be unbanned.
  • If you can’t access your account, visit Instagram’s Help page and fill in the relative form.
  • If your violation is severe, Instagram may ban your IP address (a unique number for your device on the internet). This prevents you from using different accounts after banning your primary account.

In the case where your actual IP is banned (which can last from a few days to a few weeks), the best action to take is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Premium VPN providers, like NordVPN, can offer you multiple IP addresses. Hence, you can use your new IP address to create a new Instagram account.

However, creating a new Instagram account can take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, we recommend refraining from exhibiting behaviors that may ban you from Instagram in the first place. We will delve more into what you can do to prevent your account from being banned on Instagram later on in the article.

How to Recover a Banned Instagram Account

Icon showing account illustration and restore button

An Instagram ban can be disheartening since it means losing or limiting access to your account and its content. However, Instagram provides ways for users to appeal to and potentially recover their Instagram-banned accounts.

Below, we discuss steps you can take to recover your Instagram account, whether it’s locked or unlocked.

Appeal for your unlocked account to be recovered

If you can access your account after being banned, follow the steps below to appeal.

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. On your account homepage, tap on the “Menu” icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Click on “Settings” in the pop-up menu.
    Screenshot of Instagram, main menu
  4. Tap “Help” in the Settings menu.
  5. Screenshot of Instagram, settings menu
  6. Select “Report a Problem” in the Help menu.
    Screenshot of Instagram, help menu
  7. Write a detailed report of what happened and ask Instagram to restore your account. If it’s something you did that violated Instagram’s rules, be sure to apologize and reassure them that it won’t happen again. You can also include any evidence you may have to back up your claim.
    Screenshot of Instagram, Report a problem

That’s it! It usually takes around 24 hours or more to unban your Instagram account, depending on the case. Make sure to be patient during this time.

If enough time has passed and the appeal didn’t work, try again. This indicates to Instagram that you’re not a bot, and there’s a high chance they’ll listen to your appeal and unban your account.

Recover a locked account

Some types of bans don’t permit you to access your account. There are even cases where your account may be disabled by mistake by Instagram. If you can’t access your account, you can follow the appeal process below to try and get unbanned from Instagram.

  1. Visit Instagram’s Help page.
  2. Select “Yes” in the form “My Instagram Account Was Deactivated.”
  3. Fill in your details in the form that appears, i.e., name, Instagram username, email address, location, and ID for verifying your identity.
    Screenshot of Instagram, appeal form
  4. Hit “Send.”
  5. In two days, you should receive an email from Instagram asking you to upload a video selfie, so they can confirm you are who you say you are and that you’re a real person. Instagram uses video selfies to verify your identity because photos and IDs can be digitally modified.

Don’t try to open a new Instagram account or other tactics during this waiting period. Just be patient and wait for communication from Instagram.

Get around an IP ban on Instagram

Instagram users who find themselves with an IP ban will notice that they won’t be able to use any of their Instagram accounts on their IP. This can be solved by using a VPN service provider. VPNs have access to many different IP addresses that you can use instead of your own. Hence, you can use this new IP to replace the one Instagram knows about.

However, you might also have to create a new account altogether to regain access to Instagram completely. Since that can prove to be a lot of work, using the two options above might be better, especially when you believe you’ve been banned unjustly.

NordVPN: The Best VPN to Get Unbanned From Instagram

NordVPN supports up to six devices with one subscription. This allows you to access Instagram from multiple devices, such as your smartphone, iPad, laptop, and so on, while being protected.

If you’re in a country that has banned Instagram, you can bypass the censorship using one of the 5,000+ servers in over 60 countries. You can also utilize NordVPN’s servers to get around an Instagram ban and access your account by changing your IP address.

We connected to NordVPN servers in Europe and the US and comfortably accessed Instagram.

Furthermore, the high speeds we were getting from NordVPN loaded images and videos fast. NordVPN is user-friendly too. It makes it easy to connect to the fastest and most optimal server for you.

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How to Choose the Best VPN for Instagram

There are a range of features you should look for in an Instagram VPN. However, not all VPNs are created equal, and choosing the best one to help you get unbanned from Instagram can be a challenge.

Below, we look at some key factors to consider when choosing the best VPN for Instagram.

Infographic showing how to choose the best VPN for Instagram
  1. Server network: A VPN with an extensive server network gives you ample options for unblocking Instagram. Each server has a unique address you can use to bypass the ban. Usually, the best VPN providers, like NordVPN, will have a large server network.
  2. No-log VPN: A no-log VPN like NordVPN does not store your data. This keeps your browsing activities private and away from prying eyes, such as government agencies and your internet service provider (ISP).
  3. Speed: Some VPNs can dramatically slow down your connection. You need a fast VPN to browse Instagram comfortably without interruptions.
  4. Easy to use: You want a VPN with a great interface that helps you connect to the best server as easily and quickly as possible.

We tested dozens of VPNs, looking for the most suitable option that will help you get unbanned from Instagram. NordVPN came at the top every time. This VPN provider offers you fast speeds and thousands of servers to choose from worldwide. Therefore, you have access to thousands of IP addresses.

Moreover, we could connect to NordVPN servers in different countries and still access Instagram. This proved that NordVPN could help Instagram users unblock Instagram and bypass online censorship.

Reasons Why You Might Have Been Banned on Instagram

Instagram’s community guidelines aim to maintain a safe and authentic environment for users on the platform. Instagram has implemented measures to detect and block automated or excessive actions that may disrupt the platform’s ecosystem and make other users uncomfortable.

For this reason, it’s important always to use Instagram respectfully and responsibly. Also, don’t engage in behavior that violates their policies to avoid getting your account suspended. Here’s a quick overview of actions that might lead to your Instagram account being banned:

Infographic showing reasons why you get banned on Instagram

1. Exhibiting spammy behavior

Spamming on Instagram can take various forms, such as:

  • Sending unsolicited direct messages to multiple Instagram users with promotional content
  • Excessively commenting on posts with links or unrelated content
  • Engaging in repetitive or automated actions that are intended to gain visibility or followers

Instagram considers such spammy behavior as a violation of their community guidelines. This is because it can create a negative user experience and compromise the authenticity of interactions.

2. Buying ‘fake engagement’

Engaging in activities that artificially inflate engagement metrics violates Instagram’s community guidelines and terms of service and can surely lead to an Instagram ban. These activities may include buying likes, followers, and comments or using automated bots to increase engagement. Therefore, Instagram considers such activities as phony engagement, which is against their policies.

When you buy likes and followers, you are artificially inflating your follower count and engagement metrics. This can create an unfair advantage or misleading impression of popularity.

Instagram’s algorithm is designed to detect and remove fake Instagram accounts, likes, and followers. They have implemented sophisticated systems to identify and remove such activity.

Buying likes and followers can result in Instagram account bans or other limitations on account features. Instead, we recommended growing your Instagram presence organically by creating authentic and engaging content. Also, by building a genuine following through meaningful interactions with your audience, you are less likely to get banned by Instagram.

Instagram has strict policies against using copyrighted material. This includes images, videos, or music without proper authorization from the original creators or copyright holders.

Intellectual property infringement on Instagram can occur when you post content you do not own or have the right to use. This can include using copyrighted images, videos, or music without obtaining permission from the original creators or copyright holders.

Also, using content that has been previously published or shared without proper attribution or consent is considered copyright infringement and can lead to an Instagram ban.

Instagram’s policies prohibit such unauthorized use of copyrighted material. It violates the intellectual property rights of the original creators and can lead to legal consequences plus, you will surely be looking for ways afterward to get unbanned from Instagram, as the service provider will ban your account if they catch you using copyrighted material.

4. Posting inappropriate content

Posting explicit or pornographic content on Instagram is not allowed. This includes images, videos, or other forms of content that show explicit sexual acts or other sexually explicit material.

Instagram aims to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for users of all ages. For this reason, explicit content can violate their policies, which may result in an account ban.

5. Using hate speech and harassing others

Hate speech is content that promotes violence, discrimination, or hostility against individuals or groups. Based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Harassment can include repeated or unwanted behaviors that target individuals or groups. Such behaviors may consist of sending threatening messages, spreading rumors, or engaging in other forms of intimidation.

Engaging in hate speech, harassment, or discriminatory behavior on Instagram is against their community guidelines and can result in an account ban.

6. Engaging in mass liking, following, or unfollowing

Mass liking, following, or unfollowing refers to quickly and repeatedly engaging with many social media posts or accounts to gain attention or followers. It often involves automated tools or software that allows you to perform these actions rapidly and impersonally.

Instagram’s guidelines emphasize the importance of genuine engagement, meaningful interactions, and building an authentic community on the platform. Mass liking, following, or unfollowing is often considered spammy and can result in negative consequences such as a shadow ban or account suspension, leading you later to be looking for ways to get unbanned from Instagram.

7. Using multiple devices simultaneously

Having multiple devices, such as your smartphone, computer, and iPad, logged into your Instagram account is standard. However, if you use these devices simultaneously to spread spam or take multiple actions fast, you could get a partially disabled Instagram account.

To be safe, access your account using one device at a time. Also, don’t act hastily when liking posts, following others, and commenting. Use the Instagram app moderately, and you’ll be fine.

How to Prevent Instagram Bans

There are several things you can do to stop yourself from getting banned from Instagram. Ensure you check out the following suggestions that will help prevent an Instagram ban on your account:

  • Ensure you are respectful to other Instagrammers and do not post anything offensive or inappropriate. Hate speech and other malicious comments are not accepted by Instagram.
  • Do not use copyrighted material or try to buy likes and followers. Instagram has strict policies on copying other people’s material, so ensure you either use your own or ask for permission if you want to use someone else’s photos or videos, for example.
  • Avoid spammy behavior. Do not show your enthusiasm for being on Instagram by posting constantly and commenting on everyone else’s posts very frequently.
  • Use a VPN to safeguard your online data and keep hackers out of your account. NordVPN will help you enhance your safety online and encrypt your information, so people with malicious intent will not be able to use it for nefarious purposes.

Types of Instagram Bans

If you go against the rules Instagram has set in place in its terms and conditions, there are different penalties your account may face. These penalties vary from a shadowban to your account being banned for 24 hours or more.

Infographic showing types of Instagram bans

Below, we discuss the different Instagram account penalties you may experience, the ban period, and ways to solve them and get unbanned from Instagram!


A shadowban refers to an unnotified, unofficial Instagram ban that limits the visibility of your account in users’ stories, explore pages, and feeds.

As you can imagine, this can be detrimental, especially to an Instagram business account or creator account, since it will dramatically lower your engagement rate.

A shadowban may occur when you use a lot of unrelated hashtags, post a lot of content in a short period of time, and so on.

You can investigate if your account has been shadowbanned by checking your account’s insights data for a huge drop in engagement. Also, check if the hashtags you’re using have been hidden.

To remove a shadowban, you can follow these steps.

  • Avoid using banned hashtags.
  • Contact Instagram Support using the steps listed earlier.
  • Don’t act like a bot by mass liking/following/commenting too frequently.
  • Take a break from Instagram to indicate you’re not a bot.
  • Don’t spread spam.
  • Don’t operate your Instagram account using multiple devices at once.

Temporary ban

A temporary ban or a temporarily disabled Instagram account is a suspension of your account. This Instagram ban is typically imposed for a specific period of time, ranging from a few hours to a few days.

The reasons for a temporarily banned Instagram account can vary. It may include posting content that violates Instagram’s policies, engaging in spammy or abusive behavior, or being reported for violating community guidelines.

During the temporary ban, you cannot perform certain actions on Instagram, such as posting, liking, commenting, or following, until the ban is lifted.

To lift a temporary ban and get unbanned from Instagram, it’s crucial to understand the reason behind the ban and take appropriate action. This may involve:

  • Removing any content that violates Instagram’s guidelines
  • Refraining from spammy or abusive behavior
  • Appealing the ban through Instagram’s support channels

Action block warning

Unlike a shadowban, Instagram sends you an action block warning stating your account has been temporarily suspended. An action block limits your activities such as liking, posting, commenting, and so on.

The main cause of an action block is doing too much (posting/liking/commenting) on Instagram too fast.

Screenshot of Instagram, action block

Understandably, you may be eager to grow your Instagram business or creator account as fast as possible. Unfortunately, Instagram has strict rules about this.

If you’ve already received an action block notification from Instagram, the best way to resolve it is by waiting for the stated amount of time to pass, which is usually 24 hours.

There are cases in which the amount of time is not indicated. In such a case, your account may take days or weeks to be unblocked.

IP address ban

An IP address ban means you can’t access Instagram using the device with the banned IP address. If you use one device to access multiple accounts, those accounts will be affected as well. The main cause of an IP address Instagram ban is acting like a bot, posting inappropriate content, or spreading spam.

To circumvent this and get unbanned from Instagram, we recommend using a VPN like NordVPN. We have tested NordVPN extensively and have discovered that this top-rated VPN will successfully mask your IP address by replacing it with a new one allowing you to create a new account.

Furthermore, NordVPN has 5,000+ servers in over 60 countries. Each server has a different IP address that you can connect to. NordVPN also has responsive customer service ready to help you if you face any challenges.

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However, be careful when creating a new account, as Instagram knows a lot of things about you as it probably also shares some information with Meta. Therefore, if it finds you have created a new account after the ban, Instagram will ban you again.

Permanent ban

A permanent ban on Instagram is the most severe ban. It’s where your account is permanently suspended and cannot be restored.

This type of Instagram ban is typically imposed for severe violations of Instagram’s community guidelines, such as engaging in illegal activities, posting explicit or prohibited content, and more.

A permanent ban may also be issued if you have previously received multiple temporary bans but continued to violate Instagram’s guidelines.

Once a permanent ban is imposed, you will lose access to your Instagram account, including your posts, followers, and engagement data.

You can also not create a new account with the same email address or username associated with the banned account. Instagram’s decision to impose a permanent ban is final, and there is no formal appeals process to reverse it.

Overall, Instagram is strict about users following its rules and conditions. So if your Instagram account is essential to you, especially if it’s a business or creator’s account, it’s best to familiarize yourself with and follow the platform’s rules.

This will safeguard your account from being penalized.

How Long Does an Instagram Ban Last?

Stopwatch icon

The duration of an Instagram ban can vary depending on the severity of the violation and whether it’s a first-time or repeat offense. A ban can range from a few hours to several weeks or indefinite in case of severe violations.

For example, a temporary ban for violating Instagram’s community guidelines could last 24 hours to seven days. However, follow up with Instagram through the “Report a Problem” section to try to hasten the process of getting unbanned from Instagram.

On the other hand, if an account repeatedly violates Instagram’s guidelines, Instagram may impose a permanent ban. This means the account will be disabled permanently, and the user will not be able to access it.

In general, the length of an Instagram ban depends on the severity of the violation. It also depends on the number of times the account is in violation of Instagram’s guidelines.

Instagram usually sends a notification to the user regarding the ban and its duration. However, the notification may not specify the exact length of the ban.

Question mark over padlock icon

Conclusion: Ways to Get Unbanned From Instagram

There are multiple avenues you can use to get your Instagram account unbanned.

Here’s a quick recap on how to appeal an Instagram ban:

  1. If your account is not locked, you can use the “Help” menu and fill out a form explaining the problem.
  2. If your account is locked, you can access the “My Account Was Deactivated” page and contact Instagram’s customer support there to state your claim.
  3. If your IP address gets banned, you can use NordVPN to get a new IP address and create a new account. However, this process can take too much time and effort. Hence, we recommend you be proactive and protect your account from malicious actors that may use it for immoral purposes.

For more information on how to get unbanned from popular social media platforms, check out the articles below:

How to Get Unbanned from Instagram: Frequently Asked Questions

Didn’t find what you were looking for in the article? Below find the most frequently asked questions on how to get unbanned from Instagram.

Are Instagram bans permanent?

Instagram bans can vary in duration, depending on the severity of the violation and the type of ban imposed. Some bans may be temporary, such as temporary deactivations, ranging from a few hours to several days or weeks, while others can be permanent.

Permanent bans are typically reserved for severe violations of Instagram’s terms of service, such as repeated violations, posting harmful or illegal content, or engaging in fraudulent activities.

How do I get my device unbanned from Instagram?

To get your device unbanned from Instagram, you can try clearing cache and cookies to refresh your connection and reset any account-related data stored on your device. However, it’s important to note that clearing cache and cookies may not always guarantee success, as Instagram may have other measures in place. If this doesn’t work, you can use a VPN to get unbanned from Instagram.

How do you beat a ban on Instagram?

To beat a ban on Instagram, you can try appealing the ban through the Instagram app or website, providing a legitimate reason for the ban to be lifted. Be concise, polite, and provide any relevant evidence. If unsuccessful when trying to get unbanned from Instagram this way, consider contacting Instagram support for further assistance.

Does Instagram ever unban accounts?

Yes, Instagram does occasionally unban accounts. Bans on Instagram can be temporary or permanent, and Instagram may lift a ban if it determines that the violation was unintentional or if the user appeals the ban successfully.

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