Browser window with red crossed circle, tied Wi-Fi symbol and Iran circle flag
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Censorship in Iran: A Summary

Iran has been known for its strict censorship laws. Since 2022, nationwide anti-regime protests have been met with growing surveillance, internet shutdowns, and banned apps.

Any content that can be considered a threat to national security is blocked or filtered, including:

  • Religious, social, and political opposition
  • Criticism of Iranian authorities
  • Various social media platforms and streaming services
  • Haram content like pornography, gambling platforms, content with alcohol and drugs, LGBTQIA+ content, etc.
  • Webpages of human rights organizations

virtual private network (VPN) lets you bypass censorship in Iran. However, since the Iranian government challenges the use of VPNs and proxies, you need to make sure you choose a VPN with excellent security features.

Our pick for the best Iran VPN is NordVPN.

Read the full article below for more information on digital censorship in Iran, as well as how to protect yourself online.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has one of the most isolated and restrictive media environments globally.

Following the death of 22-year-old Masha Amini in 2022, the Iranian Guidance Patrol, or “morality police,” has been pushing back against internet freedom more than ever before. From website filtering to nationwide shutdowns, people’s access to information is blocked.

Despite the fact that virtual private networks are officially banned, Iranians continue searching for ways to access online media.

The most secure VPN for Iran at the moment is NordVPN — though it’s important to have backup options in place in case the VPN gets blocked.

Below, we dive into the state of censorship in Iran and the different ways to get around it.

How to Access Blocked Websites in Iran

Can you use a VPN in Iran icon

If you want to get around digital censorship in Iran and access blocked websites and apps, you’re going to need a high-end virtual private network.

However, in July 2021, government officials implemented a bill that criminalizes the use of VPNs.

So, can you use a VPN in Iran? The short answer is: yes. VPN use remains widespread, but authorities employ Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to detect and block the IP addresses of popular VPN providers.

That’s why you need a VPN that can bypass this type of inspection. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Subscribe to a VPN. Our #1 VPN for Iran is NordVPN, which is a highly secure VPN with special software to prevent DPI: obfuscation.
  2. Download the NordVPN app. You can do so directly from the VPN’s website or from an alternative app store.
  3. Log in with the account you’ve created.
  4. Connect to a foreign VPN server, for example in the United Kingdom to access blocked websites. This will hide your real Iranian IP address and replace it with a UK-based IP address.

That’s it! You’ll now be able to unblock BBC News or access any other online services you wish.

Safety Tips:

Since VPN use is illegal in Iran, we recommend proceeding with caution when using a VPN. To the extent that it’s possible, do not submit any personal information and use a VPN with top-notch security features.

Best VPN for Iran: NordVPN

A screenshot of NordVPN's Christmas deal.

The best Iran VPN is NordVPN. Here are some of its main features that will help you stay safe online in Iran:

  • Obfuscation software, disguise your VPN traffic as normal internet traffic
  • 6000+ VPN servers in 61 countries, including coverage in the Middle East
  • Onion Over VPN (combines the security of Tor with a VPN)
  • Advanced security features including Double VPN and Threat Protection

With Iran doubling down on banning VPNs and proxies, NordVPN has had some disruptions in the past. Even so, it’s the best VPN for Iran as it’s the safest and most secure VPN you can find. Get it up and running and you’ll have the best chances of bypassing censorship in Iran and keeping your private data safe.

NordVPN has a strict no-logs policy and doesn’t store any of your data. Thanks to its XChaCha20 encryption, each piece of data gets encrypted separately. On top of that, you’ll find DNS leak protection, as well as the option to run your VPN through multiple servers (Double VPN).

For optimal security, we recommend using NordVPN’s Onion over VPN feature. This allows you to use the Tor network in combination with your VPN to access blocked websites.

Our choice
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NordVPN has a 30-day money-back guarantee that lets you download and try the VPN risk-free for a month. If you want to know more about Nord’s features and performance, read our full NordVPN review.

Expert Tip:

If you can’t access the NordVPN website, you can try using an alternative VPN to reach it. You can also use a free VPN just to get a premium subscription. Considering Iran’s heavy push-back against VPNs, it’s recommended to have multiple VPNs installed.

Best Free VPN for Iran: Proton VPN (Use With Caution!)

As stated above, we don’t recommend using a free VPN for Iran to access blocked websites due to increasing surveillance. However, at the moment, it can be difficult or even impossible to access a premium Iran VPN. Often, the homepage is inaccessible, or certain payment options are not available.

For this reason, we’d like to recommend our #1 free VPN for Iran: Proton VPN.

Proton offers AES-256 encryption, OpenVPN, and a kill switch. On top of that, the VPN has a very transparent privacy policy and is a zero-logs VPN.

What’s great about Proton in comparison to other free VPNs, is that there is no data cap. You can enjoy unlimited bandwidth on one of the three server locations that are available on the free plan: Japan, the United States, and The Netherlands.

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Censorship in Iran: Why You Need a VPN in Iran

Freedom House has identified Iran’s digital repression tactics as the very worst decline in global internet freedom in 2023. In response to anti-government protests, authorities have shut down the internet, blocked various social media apps, and increased surveillance.

The distribution of news and the flow of information in Iran is subject to relentless control. In fact, Iran ranks 177th out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index.

Since 2009, Iranian authorities have tightened their grip on the internet, in what has become known as the Twitter Revolution. In 2022, a new wave of internet restrictions hit Iranian citizens following the unlawful death of Masha Amini.

Moreover, there have been occasions where during fuel protests (in 2019), different internet service providers were ordered to shut down, plunging Iran into digital darkness.


Iran does not guarantee freedom of speech as a constitutional right. Printed media, radio, and television outlets are subject to a strict set of rules when reporting.

Both online and offline, Iranians have been met with police violence, increased surveillance, and heavy censorship. Hence, a top Iran VPN, like NordVPN is essential if you want to effectively hide your online identity.

Censorship in Iran: Independent media

The government maintains strict checks on all media. Subversive commentary, anti-government propaganda, and insults to what is sacred are all prohibited.

Reformist news outlets continue to operate to the best of their abilities but at high risk of detainment, torture, or even death. State-controlled televisions have been forced to air confessions extracted from political prisoners in order to discredit opposition to the government.

Even foreign outlets are not unaffected: to keep control over the flow of information, Farsi language sections in international media are inaccessible from Iran. Moreover, international reporters in Iran are put under close surveillance.

Has Iran banned social media?

Yes, many social media apps are banned in Iran. These include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter (X)
  • TikTok
  • Discord
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp

Messaging apps such as Telegram and Viber are also banned or restricted. If you want to access blocked websites and want to unblock YouTube, for example, you will also need to use a VPN or proxy.

Moreover, blogging sites and websites belonging to political groups and human rights organizations are regularly restricted.

Why Does Iran Censor the Internet?

Why does Iran censor the internet icon

Internet censorship in Iran is justified by the claim that it “protects national security.” In reality, however, it’s employed as a tool of control.

By limiting people’s access to information, the Iranian authorities keep a tight grip on public opinion. This, in turn, is meant to prevent reformist, anti-Islamic, or political dissent.

There are several strategies employed to achieve this goal:

  • Banning and intercepting communication: By targeting messaging apps and social media, people’s communication channels with fellow citizens and the outside world are completely cut off.
  • Curtailing anti-government protests: With increased surveillance and physical threats, Iranian journalists, protesters, and activists are stopped from coming together.
  • Suppressing or manipulating information: Spreading false narratives that diminish the severity of crises or put authorities in a favorable light, is not uncommon in Iran.

Self-censorship in Iran

Self censorship icon

Considering the persisting threat of arrest, torture, and harassment that many Iranians face, self-censorship is widespread.

A sense of omnipresent surveillance puts people’s privacy and safety severely at risk. The radical control of communications has deterred citizens from speaking their minds online.

Some journalists and bloggers have been forced into exile.

What Content Is Censored in Iran?

Any content that threatens Iran’s religious doctrine or political narrative, is blocked. Additionally, ideas that go against the moral bindings of the state are restricted, including pornography, LGBTQIA+ resources, and material that violates Islam’s strictures on iconography and ideology.

We’ve listed the different categories of content affected by censorship in Iran below.

Infographic showing what content is being censored in Iran

Political opposition

The Iranian government takes a hardline stance when it comes to political criticism or opposition. News media are allowed to enjoy freedom of speech to the extent that it does not “violate Islamic principles or the civil code.” Here’s what that looks like:

  • Criticism of the Supreme Leader is strictly prohibited.
  • Discussion of high-ranking officials, security and military institutions, and the Iranian judiciary is extremely restricted.
  • Many foreign news outlets are blocked and journalists may be detained.

Haram content

Besides political opposition, the Iranian government blocks tens of thousands of domains that are considered haram. Internet service providers are ordered to rigorously filter content, blocking certain keywords from search-engine queries in the process.

Blocked target terms range from obscene words to the keyword “women.” Included in the ban are pornography sites, web pages that promote the use of drugs and alcohol, and gambling platforms. Downloading torrents is also illegal.

Social media and entertainment services

As stated before, many social media platforms are blocked in Iran, including major services such as TikTok and Instagram.

Music platforms SoundCloud and Pandora have been banned, too. Iran also made sure streaming services Hulu and Netflix were blocked. The same goes for YouTube, Twitch, and Vimeo.

Notably, the Internet Archive (Wayback Machine), which recovers and stores digital content, is also inaccessible.

Human rights organizations

Non-profit organizations aimed at advancing minority rights face a lot of pushback in Iran. This affects women, ethnic minority groups, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

During protests, the Iranian Guidance Patrol uses excessive force against activists, journalists, and regular citizens.

Those campaigning for better treatment of minorities have been silenced, harassed, and jailed.

How Does Iran Censor the Internet?

Digital censorship in Iran is enforced by The Supreme Council of Cyberspace.

Restrictions follow from a patchwork of cybersecurity laws that prevent you from accessing blocked websites. Each is increasingly limiting and often employed in a reactionary fashion.

When it comes to the various methods of internet censorship in Iran, we’ve outlined the main approaches below.

Infographic showing how does Iran censor the internet

The National Information Network

Censorship in Iran is aided by the infrastructure of the internet itself. Much like the Great Firewall of China, the National Information Network is a closed-off intranet specifically designed to control the flow of information and censor foreign sites and apps.

Under the “Protection Bill,” all internet services are under the control of the armed forces and security agencies. Citizens are required to submit ID before being allowed access, compromising their civil liberties.

Internet service providers employ content-control software developed by the Telecommunication Company of Iran and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to surveil websites and email.

Notably, highly-ranked officials for the Iranian state have unrestricted internet access.

State-owned communications

The Iranian government has a monopoly on the telecommunications sector. Internet service providers must be registered before being allowed to operate.

Moreover, mobile providers are largely owned and under the control of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics.

This allows the military and Iranian security forces to monitor communications and restrict access to a combined 75 million Iranian mobile users.

Blacklisting websites and filtering keywords

All websites must register with the Ministry of Culture.

They are subject to regular content removal requests for material deemed unacceptable by the government. Punishment for failing to comply can lead to substantial fines, blocked sites, or arrests.

Authorities block access to certain URLs through keyword filtering. The list of banned keywords continues to increase.

Speed throttling

Digital censorship in Iran also focuses on the Iranian Government regularly throttling the internet speed. ISPs are ordered to restrict internet bandwidth to make it difficult or impossible to access certain domains.

Connection speeds have been significantly reduced during elections, the events of the Arab Spring, and any anti-government protests since.

Is Your VPN for Iran Not Working? Try This!

If you want to bypass internet restrictions in Iran to access blocked websites and have installed your VPN but can’t get it to work, you might want to consider other circumvention tools to stay safe online.

Use the Tor browser

The Onion Router (Tor network) is a special browser that routes your traffic through various connection points (nodes) in order to anonymize your data.

It’s often used by journalists and bloggers who, for safety reasons, want to prevent authorities from tracing their online activity back to them.

If you can’t reach a VPN’s homepage, Tor might be the way to get there. On top of that, VPNs like NordVPN have Onion over VPN features that allow you to combine Tor with a VPN.

Alternative app stores

Are you running into problems because the Google Play Store or App Store is currently unavailable? Try downloading your VPN from Softpedia, a database for software installation.

You can also check out TutuApp, which is an alternative for iOS users, or AppBrain if you’re on Android. These alternative app stores have multiple VPNs available for download, including the ones mentioned in this article.

Keep in Mind:

Alternative app stores usually aren’t as safe as regular platforms and might contain malicious software or illegal apps. Make sure you only download software from providers you trust!

Browser extensions

Finally, certain browser extensions excel at unblocking social media content. It can be worth your time to check out the following ones:

Keep in mind that Iranian authorities are actively pushing back against circumvention tools at all times. It’s not uncommon to experience disruptions to these services.

Bypassing Internet Censorship in Iran With a VPN

Iranian authorities continue to block content and censor the internet. As a result, journalists, activists, and Iranian citizens have limited freedom of speech and fear detention and imprisonment on vague charges.

On top of that, deep packet inspection is used to combat VPN usage.

If you wish to bypass internet restrictions in Iran, you will have to risk using a VPN for Iran. To make sure you stay as safe as possible, we recommend you choose a VPN with high-level encryption and obfuscation software, such as NordVPN.

You can use NordVPN to access independent news and social media, but remember to stay cautious and — to the best of your abilities — remain anonymous online.

If you want to know more about censorship in other countries around the world, check out our articles below.

Censorship in Iran: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you want to know more about censorship in Iran and how you can get around it? Click on a question below to see the answer!

Is there freedom of speech in Iran?

The Iranian constitution does not guarantee freedom of speech. The authorities keep a tight grip on public opinion, deciding what is and isn’t acceptable based on the strictures of the political and religious ideology.

Does Iran control the media?

Yes, the Iranian authorities hold complete control over the media and use strict censorship techniques. Telecommunications are fully monopolized by Iranian authorities and many independent outlets are blocked or filtered.

Is Netflix blocked in Iran?

Yes, Netflix is banned in Iran. Other services such as YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook are also blocked.

virtual private network (VPN) is an online circumvention tool that can get around censorship. It will help you unblock Netflix and other services.

Can you use a VPN in Iran?

Yes, you can, despite the fact that Iran takes active measures to block VPN IPs using deep packet inspection technology. The recent “Protection Bill” actually criminalizes the use and distribution of VPNs.

If you’re struggling to get access to a VPN, there are alternative ways to bypass censorship, including good private browsers, software databases, and certain browser extensions.

What is the best VPN for Iran?

NordVPN is currently the best VPN for Iran, since it’s one of the few VPNs that still works. It uses 256-bit AES encryption, has a kill switchmalware detection, and offers obfuscated servers.


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  1. EsAy

    Thank you for the informative article. The more world knows what’s going on in this country, the more pressure foreign governments can put on this bloodthirsty regime.

    As of now, I'm connected with ExpressVpn, but its not a stable connection and tends to drop every now and then. But compared to other services that cannot connect at all, I would say, expreasVpn for now is king of the hill.

    Since government has concluded that they cannot keep track of each and every vpn service, they've decided to completely shut the internet OFF in times of political unrest and as of now mostly after 4pm (and sometimes throughout the day) this happens. The entire country’s network would be a giant intranet (not internet) that can only browse selected websites and use selected services that are hosted within Iran and are under supervision of the regime.

    Major data centers would still have internet connectivity, since its almost impossible for them to shut down data centers, as their own agendas and services rely upon it.

    So one proposed method to get around censorship would be to have two private servers (VPSs), one inside iran and another outside and connect these two using an obfuscated protocol. Since the VPS in iran wont get blocked even in times of total shut off and since VPSs are directly connected to data centers, given enough expertise, this method would work.

    Ofcourse after gaining some popularity, regime ordered not to sell Iranian VPS to individuals… but still maybe a major VPN company is reading this and this might help figuring out new ways to circumvent this nonsense.

  2. poor iranian

    in iran buying vpn is impossible .. we need free vpn .. what the government doesnt blocked yet

    • Priscilla Sherman

      We're researching the current options in Iran and will be updating our article with working tips and recommendations. Hang in there!

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